What mental health counseling is available through SU?


Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is a professional team of licensed clinicians who provide time-limited individual psychotherapy for current SU students, as well as referral services for those requiring specialized or ongoing care. There is no charge to access CAPS services and services are confidential. Learn more about CAPS here.

TimelyCare is a nationwide telehealth service that Seattle U has partnered with in order to expand student access to 24/7 virtual medical and mental healthcare. TimelyCare mental health services include short term scheduled counseling appointments with a mental health professional, as well as TalkNow which provides 24/7 on demand access to mental health support to talk about anything at any time through a phone call or video messaging. Learn more about TimelyCare here.

  • Last Updated Jun 28, 2023
  • Views 25
  • Answered By Chris Granatino

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